You can also learn from them just to reach the level of touch typing. There are a lot many other platforms too which are providing spoon-feeding learning techniques. Like this website is providing you a great platform to test your typing speed. but sweetheart you gotta avoid looking at it. I know it looks awesome, beautifully crafted, perfectly designed. Well, you don’t want to be a turtle then start typing without seeing at your Remington Gail Keyboard. Looking at the keyboard, again and again, makes you a turtle. If you are a typist and don’t know touch typing then dude, you are seriously missing some skills which are barring you from achieving maximum speed.

As you know Hindi is the official language of India so many records and data sets are in Hindi. So to keep up with the rest of the world every organization is digitizing their old fashioned bookkeeping techniques. Hindi typists are increasing day by day as the digital realm is growing. Start for an easy level and increase the level slowly as you gain more speed. You can also choose the difficulty level so that you can change the difficulty of the typing paragraph according to your typing speed and experience. As much as you practice as your typing speed will increase. Always remember practice makes a man perfect. You can switch between the time frames from like 5 minutes typing test or a 10 minutes typing test. A minimum time limit of a test is 1 minute and the maximum is 60 minutes.

On this web portal, you can practice touch typing as long as you want which is absolutely free of cost.

It provides a typing competition environment for all government exams. Then this website is the best platform to do so. If you are looking for a software program to test your typing speed in Hindi. Welcome to the best Hindi typing test provided by an online typing speed test software.